3 Best Bouquets for Independence Day
Ready to celebrate the 4th of July with flowers? We've got you covered with a wide selection of colorful red, white & blue flower bouquets that are absolutely perfect for Independence Day.
Decorate your home with patriotic blooms, bring a bouquet to a backyard BBQ, or send red, white & blue roses to friends & family at a distance. No matter how you celebrate the 4th of July, these patriotic flowers will fire up the festive feel and get you excited about this great American holiday.
Check out our top 3 flower bouquets for 4th of July.
Classic Red Rose Bouquet
You can never go wrong with bright red roses! The Classic Red Rose Bouquet expresses the grandeur and awe of the Land of the Free with gorgeous blooms and rich color.
Blue Lagoon Rose Bouquet
Vice versa, instead of going with all-red roses, consider going with all-blue roses! This stunning bouquet is truly majestic, featuring real roses with deep blue petals. The striking color of the Blue Lagoon Rose Bouquet is achieved using artisanal dyeing and coloring techniques that are flower experts have been practicing for generations. The result? Real blue roses that will take your breath away!
Dolce Amore Rose Bouquet
Fresh, crisp color contrast makes the Dolce Amore Rose Bouquet an instant hit for fun occasions like the 4th of July! Similar to other two-tone compositions, this tinted rose pairs a sharp and classic red tone on the exterior with creamy white petals at the bloom’s center for a flush of fun and patriotic beauty.
Be sure to tag us on Instagram @rosaholics in all of your patriotic flower décor photos that show off the beauty of our blooms!
Happy Independence Day!
Not seen your shipping location? We deliver US Nationwide, visit our Shop All collection to discover the perfect bouquet that best fit your occasion.

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