Rules And Instructions For Making Resin Flowers
Making a flower preserved in resin is really easy. You just need to prepare the resin, pour it into the form, then place the flower and let it harden. By the way, you can buy flowers for such a product in our store.
So, here's a quick guide on how to dry flowers in epoxy. To do this, you will need:
first dry flowers for composition;
then prepare the epoxy itself (we will tell you more how to do this);
after that, just add flowers to the resin and just wait until it all hardens;
- and a beautiful craft is ready!
Dried flowers are the most common participant in epoxy decorations. They are easy to handle and stay beautiful after pouring, giving us the ability to store and carry a piece of summer with us.
A living flower in epoxy resin always looks unique and unrepeatable. No two pieces of jewelry are the same - all flowers are different. Even a novice home craftsman can make a beautiful thing in this style. This master class is uncomplicated.
Epoxy resin is a favorite material for designers. With its help, you can create unusual, exclusive jewelry and various souvenirs with resin flowers. And in order to make not just a beautiful, but also a particularly graceful piece of jewelry, you should learn how to fill a flower in epoxy resin.
In this guide:
- Preparation of the necessary materials for the product
- Resin mixing rules
- Pouring process
- How to preserve a rose in resin?
- Tips for storing the finished product
Preparation of the Necessary Materials and Tools for Resin Flowers
Not only fresh flowers but flowers in resin also can be a beautiful thing, especially if you do it by yourself. Creating such a product is a very interesting procedure and about this process, we will tell you here.
Before creating such a product of flowers in resin, we need to decide on the right materials. There are not so many materials required, but the main thing is the desire to work and make something beautiful, such as flowers in resin.

Before studying the instructions on preserving resin flowers, you should first prepare everything you need for work. You need:
epoxy with a hardener-catalyst (for crafts it is better to take jewelry epoxy resin);
suitable flowers, by the way, you can buy them in our store.
container and wooden stick for preparing resin;
form for filling;
dosing syringe, tweezers, file;
- a protective film or polyethylene (to protect the workplace).
Tip: if the task is to make earrings or brooches, pendants (where the installation of accessories is required), take a small drill with a thin drill for work. When working, you can use additional accessories: sequins, rhinestones, glass chips, and various dyes. But do not use phosphors (glowing paints). Flowers in such a substance will not be attractive. It is also worth knowing how to dry flowers for resin. It is better to use small buds for work. They are pre-dried. But you can buy ready-made dried flowers for creativity. Prepare a lot of such material, because dried flowers can break during work.
Resin Mixing Rules on How to Preserve a Flower
To make a high-quality product, you need to know a few manufacturing rules.
To fill the flowers with high-quality epoxy resin, it is necessary to correctly prepare a working resinous solution. For the polymerization (hardening) process, the resin must be mixed with a hardener-catalyst (usually it comes already in the kit). In the classic form, the resin is mixed with a hardener in a 10x1 proportion. But you do not need to deviate from the recommendations indicated in the annotation.

Each manufacturing company sets its own proportions for the preparation of a resinous substance. Use the following instructions to mix the mortar with your own hands. Necessary:
Cover the work surface with foil.
Pour a certain amount of resin into the container.
Gently and slowly add hardener to it. Use a scale to determine the exact measure and a syringe to add.
At the same time (if the design requires it) to introduce the selected dye into the mass.
Mix the substance thoroughly for 8-10 minutes. Remember that epoxy will generate heat when mixed with a catalyst.
- After finishing, leave the container with a resinous substance for 5-7 minutes in a warm place. This is to remove air bubbles.
Safety during working with the epoxy resin:
Epoxy has a distinct odor that can harm children, the elderly, and pets. Before you start crafting jewelry, prepare your work area and make sure you don't disturb anyone. It is best if it will be a separate, well-ventilated room. Be sure to wear gloves and a respirator.
The resin adheres strongly to many materials. Therefore, remove all fabrics and carpets away - they will be hopelessly damaged. Epoxy does not stick to polyethylene, polypropylene, silicone, and rubber - it is best to use molds from these materials for work.
Filling Process on How to Preserve a Flower

Fresh flowers in the epoxy resin can be poured in the form of a lens or sphere. It is worth considering in more detail the process of creating such jewelry in two versions.
Creating a ball with a flower:
Spherical shapes are the most popular design option for resin flowers. From the sphere, you can make flowers in epoxy as a decoration, or make them in the form of table souvenirs.
The manufacturing process is as follows:
An epoxy mass is poured into a previously prepared form (mold). But do not fill out the form to the top - the resin is poured to 40-50% of the volume.
A flower (or a bouquet of dried flowers) is gently immersed inside the solution. Plants stick to the stalks of the hand.
The bud, placed in the resin, is rolled very carefully so that the resin substrate completely covers the plant.
Then the resin is poured into the mold, now until the mold is completely filled.
A thin long stick delicately straightens the flower, giving it the desired shape.
The workpiece remains until completely solidified. This process takes 1–1.5 days on average.
You should not add heat to the mass - this will lead to the formation of air pockets, which will ruin the entire design.
After the form has completely cooled down, the ball is carefully removed, the unnecessary remnants of the stems are cut off.
- The necessary fittings are attached. Grind the sphere if necessary.
How to Preserve a Rose in Resin?
Some of the finest and most popular flowers in the world can also be cured and epoxy coated. Roses can save volume so that, for example, they can be placed in spherical molds, or they can be made flat. You can even make a whole rose in resin. Roses take a long time to dry, but the result is worth it.
In order for roses preserved in resin to turn out to be voluminous:
- You can dry them by hanging them on a rope under the ceiling in the dark;
- dry room with sufficient ventilation and without direct sunlight;
- pull the rope no closer than 15 cm to the ceiling;
- prepare the flowers: remove the thorns from the roses, shorten the stem, and cut off the excess lower leaves;
- wrap a rope or piece of cloth and tie all the roses to your main rope so that the distance between the flowers is at least 5 cm;
- cover the flowers with gauze to prevent dust from settling, and dry the roses for 2-3 weeks;
- to determine if the rose is completely dry - touch the petals, they should be hard and fragile;
- we warn you that dried flowers may change their color to a dark or light side.
How to dry flowers for resin: You can also dry roses in a book by flattening them. Carefully place the rosebud in a white sheet of paper, wrap it with napkins, and place it in a book, pressing down with something heavy. The rose will dry for about a month, for the first two weeks, change napkins and paper every 1-2 days for better drying.
Finishing Works

The final work to create a floral masterpiece includes polishing and sanding and also the removal of roughness. This includes making holes and installing hardware.
Advice. When using a drill, hold the product strictly perpendicular to the tool. It is better to use a drill with a diameter of 0.5-0.6 mm.
Finishing ready-made jewelry with the necessary ordinary fittings gives the master maximum pleasure. But, so that this process does not bring disappointment, choose fittings only from high-quality and reliable manufacturers. It is better to purchase them in specialized stores, where it is possible to pick up the goods and examine them carefully.
Storage and Care Tips for the Flower Preserved in Resin
After doing flowers in resin you need to remember some rules of storage. Cured epoxy is hard and durable. But the glossy surface of the jewelry is easy to damage and scratch. To extend the life of an exclusive piece of jewelry, use a few important tips:
- keep products away from various air freshener sprays, detergents, sun exposure;
- take off epoxy jewelry during sports activities, do not leave them on overnight;
- put on ready-made jewelry after applying decorative cosmetics and using perfumes and deodorants;
- do not use solvents or alcohols to clean the glossy surface;
- better store jewelry using epoxy in boxes, without access to excess light;
- do not allow the ingress of detergents and other household chemicals, as well as decorative cosmetics, deodorant. Resin products should not be wiped clean with alcohol or any solvent.
- do not play sports or sleep in such jewelry. Epoxy is very durable, but the product can still be broken or damaged.
- store products in boxes. They cannot be kept for a long time under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
A variety of designer jewelry can be made from epoxy resin. In the process of creativity, this material has no restrictions. And with the right selection of additional accessories and suitable flowers, you can create a real masterpiece with resin flowers, an exclusive decoration. Follow strictly the rules for the care and storage of the finished product, and the original idea will delight for many years.
You can fill in almost all dried flowers. Ordinary dandelion, chamomile or rose "come to life" and become brighter when poured into epoxy resin. There are some variants of flowers:
- Dandelions
- Forget-me-nots
- Chamomile
- Roses
- Poppies
Sure. But moisture and air residues will be released from undried plants, so there will be bubbles in the epoxy around the plant. Due to this, the fill will cease to be crystal clear and in most cases, it will not look very aesthetically pleasing.
Take a container, pour semolina/sand/salt on the bottom, lay out the flowers, carefully (preferably from a spoon), pour loose material on top of the plants until the flowers are completely hidden. It will take about a couple of weeks and, as a result, dry voluminous flowers. Practically not losing their natural color.
Volumetric drying. Take a container, pour semolina/sand/salt on the bottom, lay out the flowers, carefully (preferably from a spoon). Pour loose material on top of the plants until the flowers are completely hidden. It will take about a couple of weeks and, as a result, dry voluminous flowers. Practically not losing their natural color.
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