Unusual (and Funny) Flower Names

unusual red flower

Unusual names of unique flowers are an interesting aspect of the natural world. The names of others are downright quirky and amusing. They reflect each plant's unique characteristics. By contrast, the names of many flowers are descriptive or sentimental. 

April 14, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik

The Origin and Meanings of Flower Tattoos

smiling woman with flower tattoos

Flower tattoos have been a popular form of body art for centuries. Their meanings and symbolism are as varied as the flowers themselves. Each flower carries a unique meaning and cultural association. Understanding the meanings of plant tattoos can provide insight into a rich history. It is also the symbolism of one's favorite form of expression.

January 30, 2025 — Alexandr Oleynik

How to Celebrate National Boyfriend Day: Gift Ideas

smiling couple

All people need love, care, and affection. Men are no exception - everyone likes to know they care about them. So, October 3 is an excellent opportunity to make your boyfriend joyful.

February 07, 2025 — Alexandr Oleynik

Flowers Inspired by Pantone Color of 2023 + Preview Years

pink rose

"An unusual shade for unconventional times" says the press release. Viva Magenta inspires joy and optimism with its bold and bright character. It is a hybrid color between red and purple, cool and warm. It does not hesitate to encourage experimentation and self-expression.

March 25, 2024 — Alexandr Oleynik

Flowers for Chinese New Year - All You Need to Know

The essential Chinese holiday is the New Year, which is celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice. Every year this period changes: in 2023, in the year of the Rabbit, the Chinese New Year begins on 22 January, so it’s a good opportunity to please someone with flowers. A combination symbolizes each year in China, repeated only once every 60 years. This combination represents one of the 12 zodiac animals of a particular color corresponding to one of the five elements (water, earth, metal, fire, and wood). The Chinese New Year 2023 will be symbolized by the animal Rabbit and the element Water, and the year's primary colors will be black and blue. This article will tell you what flowers to choose for the Chinese New Year, considering Eastern traditions and symbolism.
September 04, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik

Rose Symbolism in Literature - Flowers in Books

A roseđŸŒč, at all times, has had a significant place in literature, mythology, religion, and other areas of life. They decorated the scenes. They were used in works to convey metaphors and appeared in many myths. Even though white roses signify purity, innocence, and light feelings, in history and culture, roses have many meanings. Each author wanted to convey something of his own, using talking about roses in his work.

Different nations also used these beautiful flowers in different ways. Thus, white roses have a wide range of meanings. For each country and each person, white roses have their meaning. 

In our article, we will answer a question like “what does a rose symbolize in literature and its place in mythology?”.

April 14, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik

How to Choose Flowers for Kids

It's not that hard to please a child. The main thing is to make the process of presenting a bouquet skillfully and competently to interest and surprise. If a child is very young, then the presentation of the bouquet is worth giving him or her special attention. For example, look closely at the bouquet with the kid, show your emotions, and admire the bouquet's beauty and fragrance. The baby will quickly learn to appreciate the beauty and join the beauty world this way. In addition, be sure to emphasize that the bouquet is intended only for the child and no one else. Because children are not given flowers so often. Thanks to the bouquet, even the baby's most ordinary day can turn into a holiday. He or she will enjoy admiring the buds, sniffing, and exploring them. 
April 14, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik

How to Choose the Perfect Flower Shop

A flower shop is where customers usually come in high spirits in anticipation of a festive or romantic event. Exquisite decoration, a variety of bouquets, and the fragrance of fresh-cut flowers make you forget about your business and plunge into contemplation of a magical fairy tale. 

It is a portrait of an ideal flower shop. But unfortunately, not all stores and flower delivery services correspond to these representations. Very often, the unpleasant smell of stale water, withered bouquets, or rude staff spoil all the impression and turn the choice of a bouquet into an ordinary event, no different from buying potatoes at the market.

September 04, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik

9 Top Of The Most Beautiful Flowers In The World

It is difficult to argue about which flower is the best. Each of them is beautiful in its way, bringing its fragrance to the world and pleasing in its appearance, not to mention that many of them have a medicinal effect. 

The bright colors delight the eye, and the fragrance delights the sense of smell. Where would the world be without this beauty? These plants are a pleasure to look after, decorate your garden, grow in pots, put in a vase, give, touch and admire. Flowers evoke happiness, relieve stress, reduce pain and help curb anger. Flowers are probably the most beautiful and unique thing that nature could give us in the history of evolution đŸŒș

April 14, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik

Why do Roses Have Thorns, and Why are They Called Prickles?

Thorn protects the rose (a thorny plant that is very hard to pick without getting hurt), and thanks to this ability, the flower has not disappeared from the face of the earth. Another reason is that thorns help the rose to climb. Roses need to climb so that they can get more sunlight.

The thorny roses are a flower that has always been admired for its beauty and intoxicating fragrance. A bouquet of roses won't be hastily bunched up like tulips or a lilac. No nation in the world has not dedicated legends, tales, or poems to it. It is a favorite flower of romantic lovers, ready to shower their beloved with its petals, and pragmatic people in business who give roses to their beloved. These flowers have always been considered a timeless classic that continues to amaze everyone with their beauty. 

June 16, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik

Why have Roses Assumed the Most Romantic Flowers?

Not every man thinks about the color of the rose in the bouquet they receive. However, these flowers have long been used as love messages. Depending on the shade of the petals, the gift has symbolized burning passion, tenderness, or fidelity and spoken of immense admiration and respect. It's the universal truth that roses embody love! These stunning flowers of love incarnated in their essence feelings of passion, romance, and affection. From the pages of literary classics to Hollywood blockbusters, popular poets, writers, and filmmakers have demonstrated the romantic significance of the red rose through their work.

But do you wonder how it happened? How did roses come to be associated with the most beautiful feeling in the world in our civilization?

We are going to take a journey through the history of how roses came to be known as the ultimate symbol of eternal love.

June 16, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik

Flowers for Date: What to Know?

When you meet a girl you like and ask her out, you want to make as many pleasant surprises as possible, including gifting flowers. However, not everyone knows when and how to present flowers. 

Many people question whether to give flowers for a first date and what flowers to choose for a bouquet. However, we have to get ahead of ourselves and tell you that the only reason and criterion you should give flowers to girls you love is your desire. When a girl feels you are doing it simply because you wanted to, it lifts her spirits and makes her fall in love with you even more.

April 14, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik