Winter is the season of snow, cold gusty winds, and cozy nights by the fireplace. It's a time when many gardens seem to fade away and rest. But if you do a good search, you can find plenty of wintertime flowers at this seemingly barren time of year. Flowers can still bring vibrant beauty and life to the winter season! 

The cold can prevent some flowers from blooming as usual. But there are a few species that bloom during these cold months! From stunning camellias to fragrant jasmine plants, this blog looks at just a few beautiful winter outdoor flowers waiting to take hold in winter landscapes.

Join us to learn how each floral specimen survives the coldest natural conditions and looks just as gorgeous even on cold days. Several beautiful and hardy varieties of flowers will bring color and life to your space even when temperatures drop, and here are some of them:




Winter brings with it the promise of a new season. But at the same time, it reminds us of something important. Some of nature's most delicate flowers can still show their beauty. The crocus is one of these winter-blooming flowers. 

A member of the genus Crocus was admired in ancient times. It conquers even frosty weather. And they adorn landscapes with beautiful shades of purple and yellow. Many prominent poets praised them in their stories. 

These flowers bring bright colors to dull surroundings. Along with other flowers, crocuses bring a natural livening to the pale winter days.




Leucojum is an evergreen bulbous flower. White bell-shaped flowers grow on their long green stems. These flowers look like little bells or stars. And the little green specks in their center are called "eyes." They are flowers that grow in winter and thrive in low temperatures. 

These flowers are often planted near patios, driveways, and sidewalks. Leucojum grows best in moist, well-drained soil. They require little maintenance to keep blooming year after year. In winter, they delight the eye with their bright white petals against the gray snow.




Violas are a terrific addition to any winter garden. Violas grow beautifully in cold weather. You can plant these winter flowers outside year-round. It comes in a wide range of colors, including shades of:

  • Purple;
  • Blue;
  • Yellow;
  • White;
  • Pink.

Planting violets in areas with the full or partial sun will bring a splash of color to your landscape! The five-petal shape of the flowers sets them apart from other flowers in the winter. They provide beautiful blooms during the coldest months.




The camellia flower is a sight to behold in the winter months. This beautiful species, people aptly call "the queen of winter blooms." All because it blooms in cooler climates and adds color to the season. 

Camellias are loved for their vibrant and varied colors. They prefer acidic soil and a moist climate. With proper care, they can tolerate extreme temperatures. No wonder gardeners have enjoyed them since ancient times. 

Suitable for any garden or ornamental need, camellia is an excellent choice for serious and casual gardeners looking for a splash of color during the cold winter.




People recognize the snowdrop as one of the earliest blooming wintertime flowers. This flower symbolizes hope and new beginnings. It is due to its ability to break through snow-covered ground. And they withstand low temperatures. It is even considered a harbinger of the end of winter. 

The snow flower has delicate white petals with a yellow center. Because they are nodding flowers, they hang down from their stems. It gives them another charming feature. Snowdrops are undoubtedly beautiful to observe and capture in whichever location they sprout!


Winter Aconite

Winter Aconite

Aconite winter is a fantastic flower that all gardeners will love. Winter gardens will shine with new colors with flowers that grow in winter. Its striking bright yellow flower can reach 2 inches in diameter. 

This plant is relatively easy to grow. You only need to give it a moderate amount of sunlight and water. The soil should remain moist but not wet. The winter aconite will bring a tremendous cheerful delight to winter landscapes. You can place it in stony gardens. Or add it to woodlands as a stunning splash of sparkle against a dull backdrop.


Winter Jasmine

Winter Jasmine

Jasmine is an incredible flower that blooms in winter. It radiates beauty during the rest of the pale and dreary season. It has a strong and fragrant fragrance. Bunches of delicate white and yellow flowers bring charm to gardens. 

Jasmine is a favorite choice for cold regions. Not only does it survive, but it thrives in low temperatures. For all gardeners looking to add some color to their winter landscape, jasmine is perfect!


Algerian Iris

Algerian Iris

The Algerian iris is a winter-blooming flower. It has unique characteristics. This plant reaches about 30 cm in height. It produces several stems of graceful flowers. They come in a wide range of shades, including:

  • Pink;
  • Purple;
  • Blue;
  • White. 

The blooms of these short-lived flowers only last through the winter. But their vibrant beauty makes them the perfect decoration for cold winter days!


Higan Cherry

Higan Cherry

The Higan cherry is a species of flowering cherry native to Japan. It is primarily known for its charming winter blooms. People may mistakenly associate these trees with spring. But flowers are surprisingly hardy and can bloom even in the winter.

Humans cultured most of these trees from ancient times. But reliably, people have never learned their origins. In any case, these beautiful flowers have stood the test of time. And today, they remain a beloved symbol of vitality even in the dimmest winter season.




Calendula is a cheerful and colorful flower. Their bright orange and yellow petals can add bright colors to a winter landscape or garden. You can grow the flowers outside in winter and enjoy them all year long. 

Calendula has other uses as well. Its extract has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use it for medicinal uses, such as healing wounds. 

These wintertime flowers can liven up an ordinary garden plot.




Winterberry is a highly hardy flowering shrub. This attractive deciduous variety has brightly colored berries. It can bring bright colors even to the bleakest winter days. 

Winterberry bushes are not only aesthetically pleasing. They grow best in full sun or partial shade and moist soil. They serve as an essential food source for a variety of wildlife. 




Hellebores are a great source of vigor in the winter cold. They bloom long before other winter plants. You may see them as early as the beginning of January. With proper care, you can admire their beauty until April. 

Despite their delicate petals, these winter-blooming flowers are incredibly hardy. They come in various velvety hues, from white to dark burgundy to purple. 

Hellebores flowers add beauty and longevity to any winter garden.


Witch Hazel

witch hazel

Witch hazel is an attractive flowering shrub. It is a popular choice for adding beauty to the winter landscape. This plant produces yellow wintertime flowers. You may notice them blooming in late December through February. You can mainly find them in regions with colder climates. 

A unique feature of the hazel is its fragrant fragrance during flowering. Many species are also hardy to zone five. It means they can survive heavy snowfall and low temperatures. They won't get any damage, even if buried under a lot of snow. Hazel trees will make a great addition to any yard. It will bring bursts of color and life to a dreary winter season.




Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) attracts attention in winter gardens and landscapes. These flowering plants have bright petals. These flowers that grow in winter attract attention with their contrasting colors. 

The heart-shaped leaves are also aesthetically pleasing. They have bold, contrasting veins that draw the eye down to the base of the leaf. Cyclamen can withstand severe cold. With proper care, the flower can bloom for up to 3 months. These lovely flowers create a delightful contrast to the crisp winter air.




Boxwood is a flowering winter shrub. It is ideal for revitalizing any garden or landscape. Its glossy green leaves and small flowers make it an eye-catcher in winter gardens. You can quickly grow and maintain it. It is hardy and also has a high resistance to weather changes. 

Unlike many other flowers that bloom in winter, boxwood requires little maintenance. Its longevity often makes it the preferred choice among landscapers. It is an excellent option for those looking for bright and low-maintenance greenery. They will grace any outdoor area all year long.


Pussy Willow

Pussy Willow

The sagebrush is a unique example of a flower blooming in winter. Its peculiarity lies in its feathery and lush appearance. But, it is virtually indistinguishable from its larger relatives. 

This fluffy flower can quickly create an attractive focal point in any garden bed. Its beauty is soothing when snowy days envelop us with its gorgeous hue. 

Sage is a plant that people love not only for its soft appeal. People value it for its endurance and natural care. This unusual flower can be just what your windy garden needs. So you'll liven it up even on the coldest days.




Mahonia is a hardy genus of flowering plants. People know the Mahonia flower for its cheerful yellow blooms during the cool winter months. It adds much-needed brightness during the dreary seasons. 

Although native to Asia, these flowers have adapted to global climates. These shrubs range in height from one to four meters at maturity. The foliage is oval with a bluish hue. To ensure optimal flowering, you need to prune the shrubs annually. 

In addition to being attractive in winter flower arrangements, mahonia can also be used in traditional Chinese medicine as an herbal decoction or ointment for topical application.




Daffodils are a bright and cheerful source of winter colors for any garden. They add cheerful yellow flowers that bring cheer to the usually dry and dark winter months. They bloom among the first of the season. 

Strong-smelling flowers often surprise in winter with their beauty. Each year they return to give us a bright spot, even when snow covers the ground. 

These winter flowers are the perfect choice for those who want to liven up their gardens this season.


Bottom Line 

As you can see, many beautiful flowers bloom in winter. But if you don't want to bother, there is a much easier option. Order roses! Roses are versatile flower that grows year-round.

Rosaholics has the finest quality roses in winter. Our rose varieties are produced with special care and attention. We've got the perfect bouquet to brighten up your winter days! So, why not order today and experience the beauty of nature even during winter? You won't regret it! 



What flowers can survive winter?

Most winter-blooming flowers can survive winter. Cyclamen, boxwood, pussy willow, mahonia, and daffodils are all hardy plants that can withstand cold weather conditions.

What is the best winter flower?

The best winter flower depends on your preference. For a bright and cheerful flower, daffodils are a perfect choice. For an evergreen look, boxwood is the ideal choice. If you prefer something unique and low-maintenance, then pussy willow is the best option.

What do flowers mean in winter?

In winter, flowers can symbolize hope and renewal. It is a reminder that spring will come soon while bringing the promise of new life and beauty. Flowers in winter are also associated with warmth, joy, and love. So they are perfect for expressing your emotions this season.

What is a cold flower?

Cold flowers can withstand the freezing temperatures of winter. Some examples of cold-tolerant blooms include pansies, violas, snapdragons, asters, hellebores, and sedums. These winter-blooming flowers will brighten up any outdoor area all year long.


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September 04, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik