If you have ever wondered what to do with rose petals then we have a brilliant idea for you. Surprisingly, roses can become a main ingredient in many yummy recipes. You might have heard about rose tea. But what else can you do? Rose jam, prepared exclusively from the red or pink petals of this most beautiful flower, is a truly magical delicacy with a delightful aroma and incredible taste, evoking pleasant thoughts and making a romantic mood. 

It can spark passion and romantic feelings because roses are unique flowers, which have long stood out among others with its truly royal chic and has always been considered a symbol of love. That is why rose petals strew both the road for the newlyweds and lovers' bed. And though we might not guarantee its magical features, one thing is definite — it is worth trying.


How to Do Rose Petal Jam?

Only pink or red roses with a strong aroma and rich color are suitable for making jam. The ideal option, in this case, is the petals of a fragrant tea rose. You might also use a wild petal rose to make a jam. In addition to the tea and wild rose, petals of half-blown buds of red roses are used in cooking. 

You can also mix pink and red petals and add rosehip petals to them. By the way, when adding red petals, remember that they are somewhat rougher than pink petals. Therefore, during cooking, be sure to taste the jam, the petals in it should be tender and soft.

Timing is ihe most important thing in making rose jam. It is not to be late with the collection of petals, mind the part of the day and an hour, flowering is very short. It is best to cut roses at dawn, when roses reveal their aroma in their entirety, then the jam will have a special taste and delicate aroma. 


As a matter of fact, rose petal jam was known to our distant ancestors about a thousand years ago. Of course, they used all kinds of rose infusions for various purposes, primarily magical. And this treat was used as an exquisite dessert and as a remedy. 

There are various ideas on how to make rose petal jam but this one is the best!


You’ll need such ingredients:

  • 100 g of rose petals;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water (approximately 400-500 ml);
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

Steps to Do:

Let’s begin the process of jam cooking:

  1. Immerse petals in water to clean the dust. Keep them in the water for a while. 
  2. Dry the tea rose petals on a towel. 
  3. Add sugar to the water, let it boil and pour rose petals into the sugar syrup. 
  4. Boil the syrup with them and leave for 12 hours. 
  5. When the time is up, bring the rose petal syrup to a boil again, remove the foam and cook for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. 
  6. Let the syrup thicken. For the syrup to get a brighter shade, pour lemon juice into it. 
  7. Cook for another 3 minutes, and then pour the finished jam into prepared sterilized jars and preserve.

    Rose Jam Recipe Note

    Apart from traditional recipes, there are a lot of varieties. You can make strawberry-rose jam. Or you might make your rose petal jam with honey. The additional ingredients are all up to you, so you can experiment a little bit to find out the perfect recipe for you. But while all the recipes look so different, are there any tips that are universal?

    Indeed, there are. We have compelled a small guide of tips to make a perfect rose jelly recipe

    As you already know, to make jam from rose petals, you should use:

    • Fresh buds of garden roses of red and pink varieties.

    • Fragrant tea roses and rosehip flowers are used. 

    • Store-bought cut flowers are not suitable for cooking, as there is a risk of processing raw materials with fertilizers, chemical sprays, or wax. 

    • The more pleasant the petals smell, the more fragrant the jam comes out. It is served with tea and pancakes as an exquisite and unusual treat.

    • Cut off half or not fully opened buds.

    • Aphid-affected bushes are not suitable for jam.

    • The collection is better to do in the early morning when the flowers are fragrant and juicy, full of moisture.

    • Dessert from garden roses will be less saturated with essential oils than from tea ones.

    • If you plan to prepare a large number of goodies, then the petals can be collected within 3 to 4 days while preserving them, preferably in a tight jar in the refrigerator.


    How to Store Rose Petal Jam?

    Rose jelly can be stored as any other jam. After you preserve it in the jars, you should keep it in a cold and dark place. Preserved jars do not need to be turned over, and towel wrapping should be used. The cooled jam jars are taken to the cellar or a cool corner in the house, among other jams.

    Preserve it up with tin lids if you want the jam to stand for a long time. But in case you plan to eat it soon, you can also use plastic ones and store it in the refrigerator.


    Rose Jam Serve Tips

    So, what is rose jelly good for? You can serve it as a dessert after the main course. Generally, this jam tastes excellent with:

    • Cookies
    • Pancakes
    • Cakes

    Tea will be a good accompaniment to this jam and whatever you choose to eat. Even if you don’t have any cookies, you can serve rose jam as a wholesome dessert. 


    Bottom Line

    Homemade rose jelly is generally a great addition to your table. Few will dare to dispute that spending a winter or autumn evening drinking tea with delicious rose jam isn’t pleasant. Its wonderful and refined aroma can bring peace and tranquility, dispel all the hardships of the past day, and also create an atmosphere of comfort and love.



    Which rose is best for jam?

    Red and pink roses are regarded to be the best roses for jam. You may also use tea rose petals and wild rose petals.

    What is rose petal jam good for?

    Rose jam has various benefits for your health. It is rich in vitamin C and also vitamin B5. Rose jam has also a beneficial influence on your stomach.

    What does rose jam taste like?

    Rose jam tastes like rose petals with a bit of sugar. Sometimes it may resemble the taste of a strawberry.

    Can you eat rose petals?

    Yes, you can, but you should wash them before eating. Also, don’t eat roses from florist shops as there’s a big chance to get poisoned by the pesticides.



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    January 19, 2024 — Julian Patel
    Tags: diy