First, let's turn to the appearance of wedding flowers, it has lots of amazing facts such as:


  • Originally, the bridal bouquet was made from herbs and spices. These were rather not bouquets but wreaths that were worn on the head. Some "bouquets" contained garlic. Herbs and spices symbolize fecundity and happiness, and garlic is believed to kill evil spirits from a young family.

  • In ancient Greece and Rome, the bride and fiancé wore a necklace of flowers around their necks, symbolizing new life, luck, and fecundity.

  • Traditional Celtic bouquets included ivy, thistle, and heather. During Queen Victoria's time, herb and spice bouquets began to include fresh-cut flowers.

  • In the late fifteenth century, roses were popular in medieval Europe. They were used not only in marriage ceremonies.


But times and traditions are changing, and over time, herbal wreaths have turned into real wedding bouquets. 

Nowadays, the wedding flowers are, as a rule, chosen by the bride according to her taste and in the general tone of the wedding dress.

In our article, you will find many interesting facts about wedding flowers.


Bridal Bouquet Facts

Bridal Bouquet Facts

Wedding flowers are an important element of any marriage. In the past, a bridal bouquet had a more superstitious meaning as in those days, people believed in the healing powers of plants and flowers and also used them in wedding ceremonies.


Each country had its own rituals associated with the wedding flowers, here are some of them:


  • Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Celts wore herbal necklaces so they tried to protect themselves from evil essence.

  • In medieval Europe, the bride wore garlic and onions on her marriage day; in those days, people thought that in this way the pungent smell of these products would scare away evil spirits.

  • In Greece, a plant like a wild ivy, was woven into the bride's hair. According to Greek belief, this plant symbolizes eternal love.

  • Branches of citrus trees have always been presented at weddings in Spain; according to the beliefs of those times, these attributes guaranteed a long and happy life.

  • Wedding bouquets, close to today's, appeared in England already in the 19th century. It happened during the wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. The bride was holding a bouquet of fresh flowers. This tradition soon spread to Europe.


Each flower symbolizes something different: luck, passion, tenderness, devotion, shyness, or affection. Conservative Englishmen still observe the wedding flowers. Today, regular brides go to the altar with a bunch of pansies or forget-me-nots, but if the girl is a representative of the aristocracy, then she is supposed to add a myrtle twig to the forget-me-nots (according to the will of Queen Victoria).

The custom of bouquet toss to friends is mentioned in medieval chronicles. However, in those days, the meaning of this tradition differs from the meaning that is given to it today. Any element of wedding decoration was simply considered a talisman bringing happiness.

For example, a girl who grabbed a piece of jewelry or a ribbon from the bride's outfit could safely count on great mutual love (but the custom was silent about the timing of the fulfillment of this prophecy).

Facts about bridal bouquet

For the fair sex, such a blurry time frame did not interfere - in the old days, at the end of the holiday, when the guests were already pretty tipsy, the bride's dress was literally torn to pieces.

By the way, French women, who have always been practical, preferred to sew flowers to the dress on a living thread - so they could be pulled out without much difficulty, and the dress remained intact.

After some time, this custom transformed into the tradition of the bouquet toss. In some European countries, happy newlyweds threw jewelry to unmarried girls - beads, pendants, or even necklaces, but the same thrifty French women quickly realized that it would not take long to go broke (and settled on bouquets).

Nowadays, there is a widespread tradition when the brides take a wedding bouquet and toss it back to a crowd of female guests who dream of getting married. It looks incredible and symbolizes the pleasant changes in the life of the one who catches it.

Today brides purchase wedding flowers such as roses, peonies, orchids, or chrysanthemums. The most luxurious option will be a bouquet of roses. If you decide to choose a bouquet of roses, pay attention to the roses on our website. Here you can choose roses of any color and length that you like. Look for sections of the site such as best sellers and flowers for weddings.



What is the meaning of a wedding bouquet?

If we consider the history of the wedding bouquet tradition, it began with the fact that the ancient Greeks and Romans carried herbs and spices with them to prevent an unfavorable outcome during the wedding. Flowers meant the beginning of something new and the coming of happiness to life.

How to keep your wedding bouquet fresh?

To keep the wedding bouquet fresh, it is worth keeping it in a cool place or in the refrigerator, placing the bouquet in vases with cool water, and spraying the flowers from time to time.

Which flower is the flower of eternal love?

Orange flower. Orange Blossom means innocence, eternal love, symbolizes marriage, and fertility.

What are the most popular flowers for a wedding bouquet?
April 14, 2023 — Alexandr Oleynik